#ThisIsBlackGenZ 2022

Conducting the largest research project into Black Talent in the UK


To find out how employers could reform their workspaces in order to better attract, recruit and retain Black talent in the UK.

Did you know that 34% of black students are left unemployed after they graduate? With so much talent struggling to find work, it is hard to understand why so many companies are failing to attract and retain diverse Gen Z talent – and there is little to no research on it. We wanted to find out why this gap existed, and do something about it. We want to understand what motivates Black Gen-Z talent to apply, drives them to perform and what makes them stay with an employer. We aimed to launch a survey, promoting it through a dedicated social campaign to boost engagement through the use of influencers.

THe Solution

We used a mix of organic influencer content alongside a paid social strategy to target an incredibly niche group of ethnically diverse individuals.  Through a mix of value-added content alongside some incentivised ads we were able to acquire over 2000 participants to complete a 7-minute survey in a very short space of time. We also held interviews with a smaller batch of these survey participants in order to get deeper insights into their questions. 

To launch the research report, we held an event in Manchester on the 13th of July 2022. This was to mark the public release of the research, as well as allow employers and Black Gen Z to come together to discuss the findings. As the primary focus of this report and event was to raise the awareness of employers and begin the conversation that would lead to change, we again used social channels to do both. The response was incredible and proved that an investigation into this area was needed. #ThisIsBlackGenZ report is currently the largest research into Black talent that has been conducted in the UK. Our targeted social and influencer strategy proved highly successful in getting the word out about the survey and the project.

The Impact

We got 2,789,547 Impressions, 26,698 clicks and the cohort analysed was 100% of black heritage. The launch event was a success both in attendance and in the conversations it started.  We had a total number of 200 people sign up to be on the waiting list for the event, with 192 tickets sold for the event once they were released. To see more about this project, you can visit the website here. The report is also available for download at this link.

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Social Media Management AND Influencer Marketing that resonates with GenZ