The Royal Airforce (RAF)

Ramping up campus event attendance for the UK’s Air & Space Force


To increase attendance at their virtual and in-person events.

Do they even need an introduction? The Royal Air Force is the UK’s Air and Space Force. They are one of the largest graduate recruiters, however, they found the attendance of their campus events dipping and decided to come to us to revive their events as well as make roles with them seem more appealing to diverse Gen Z.

THe Solution

We have worked with the RAF every year since 2019. In 2021, the aim was to educate and engage diverse university students with all the amazing opportunities available to them through The RAF through a mix of in-person and online events. Ultimately showing them why they should be considering a career within The Royal Air Force. We drew them in by creating engaging advertisements through Meta for both virtual and in-person events that were being held at University campuses across the country at institutions like UCL, the University of Warwick, the University of Exeter and a dozen more.

The Impact

We succeeded not only in driving attendees to the event but also in changing perceptions around The RAF through these online and in-person events, therefore helping them to better attract diverse talent.

total facebook reach
event responses
event signups



Social Media Management AND Influencer Marketing that resonates with GenZ